WEGEMT is a European Association of 40 Universities in 15 countries. It was formed in 1978 with the aim of increasing the knowledge base, and updating and extending the skills and competence of practicing engineers and postgraduate students working at an advanced level in marine technology and related sciences. It was established as a “stichting” under Dutch law with its registered office in Delft.
European Association of Universities in Marine Technology

Become an Associate
WEGEMT seeks to add value, create synergy and focus on goal-oriented projects which actively encourage the involvement of its Associates and which serve to satisfy customer needs.
WEGEMT is actively involved in several European Research Projects.
Publications archive
3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ENSUS 2005 – Marine Science and Technology for Environmental Sustainability
/ 200539th WEGEMT School on Marine Science And Technology For Environmental Sustainability
/ 200339th WEGEMT Summer School on Optimistic – Optimization in Marine Design
/ 2003