The Shortlisting Workshop of the TRA VISIONS 2020 competition took place in Brussels, on 10th February 2020. A large judging panel of twenty two (22) experts gathered to evaluate the top young researchers’ projects and the top senior researchers for each mode of transport.
The TRA VISIONS competition presents an opportunity for young and senior researchers to showcase their work and become recognised on an international stage at the Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference that take place every two years.
During the networking activities at the shortlisting workshop, WEGEMT disseminated and communicated appropriate results from the other European projects that is currently involved (MATES, IMPRESSIVE, BEOPEN, DRIVE2THEFUTURE, MarLEM).
The TRA VISIONS 2020 project ( has received funding from H2020 of the European Union, and builds on the success of the H2020 funded TRA VISIONS 2018, the H2020 funded TRAVISIONS 2016, the FP7 funded TRAVISIONS 2014, FP7 funded Young European Arena of Research (YEAR) competitions that took place at TRA in 2008, 2010 and 2012, as well as the VISIONS (FP6) and VISIONS OLYMPICS (FP7) competitions. Together, those competitions captured the imaginations of more than 1.500 students around Europe. TRAVISIONS 2014 and 2016 aimed to develop this impact even further by extending the awards to include a new competition for senior researchers to acknowledge excellence in transport research projects. All of the abovementioned projects-competitions have been successfully coordinated by WEGEMT.