WEGEMT participated in the kick-off meeting of TRA 2024 which took place on 8th of September 2022 at ECTRI/POLIS offices in Brussels, Belgium.
During the one day meeting, the aims, plans, and objectives of all project Work Packages and Activities were presented by the respective leaders, in a series of interactive sessions with lively discussion and active participation of all attendants.
During the meeting a series of activities that will support the successful delivery of the TRA(Transport Research Arena conference) in Dublin in 2024 were presented. The consortium has been assembled that addresses all the key requirements of the call:
- They represent the key transport modes with at least 2 partners active in road, rail, waterborne, aviation and cross- modal.
The partners are all active in European research and have the reach to promote the conference across Europe.
The partners have a long history of delivering high quality researcher competitions where Europe’s research leaders are recognised.
The partners will work with key stakeholders to ensure the conference themes support European policies. The proposal also has the full support of the Irish Minister for Transport and this will ensure the full support of relevant Irish agencies.
The partners will work together to deliver a conference that builds on the success of previous TRA conferences and provide a forum that will allow the key actors in the transport sector come together to develop solutions for society’s needs.
The TRA consortium(15) have strong social media presences that can be exploited, and have a considerable reach for promotional materials.
WEGEMT also disseminated appropriate results from other research projects that is currently involved (MarLEM, LASTING, Mari4_YARD, ProdPhD, PANACEA, DT4GS and NH3CRAFT)
TRA2024 is a project funded under the EC’s HORIZON-CL5-2021-D5-01, No 101056931 – GRANT AGREEMENT.