The 3rd plenary meeting of the Drive2theFuture project took place in Brussels, Belgium on the 4th and 5th March 2020, with the participation of more than 30 consortium partners (physically and online).
An overview of the work progress was presented by the project Coordinator, Ms Evangelia Gaitanidou (CERTH), including the concept and aims, and highlighting the project’s key results and expected outcomes.
WEGEMT has contributed in several project deliverables so far and is currently leading Task A4.1 (Training needs, with emphasis on lifelong training).
Drive2theFuture (www.drive2thefuture.eu) competed its first year and has already produced a set of useful results, which were discussed during the meeting along with the next planned activities.
During the networking activities at the project meeting, WEGEMT disseminated and communicated results from other European projects that is currently involved (MATES, TRAVISIONS2020, IMPRESSIVE, BEOPEN, MarLEM).
Drive2theFuture has received funding from the Horizon2020 of the European Union and is expected to end in the beginning of 2022.

[Source: Drive2theFuture project]