
2nd Mari4_YARD workshop on 12th October 2022

By 20th October 2022 No Comments

Mari4_YARD welcomed the participants to its 2nd workshop on 12th October 2022, held at INESC TEC’s Industry and innovation lab in Porto, Portugal.

The Mari4_YARD experts gave a fruitful discussion and focused on user-centered robotic solutions applied to the shipbuilding industry, like exoskeletons, drones for 3D scanning, collaborative robots, and augmented reality.

The workshop combined brief presentations of the innovative tools developed so far by Mari4_YARD to support the shipbuilding tasks, and hands-on activities to test them.

The speakers stated that “user-centric design is the way forward to ensure large-scale adoption of exoskeletons at workplaces and user acceptance”, the mobile manipulators developed by Mari4_YARD to support the heavy task of transporting parts between stores and workshops and nowadays completely relied on humans. Furthermore, one of the speakers explained how the collaborative robots can be easily and quickly deployed. Last but not least, a speaker form GHENOVA explained how Mari4_YARD will use drones to perform 3d scanning in inaccessible areas of the ships.

More information can be found on the Mari4_YARD website