

Framework: H2020

- Date: 2021 / 2023

Activity: NET

Wegemt Role: Partner

Project name


Project Objective

Reinforcing the impact of the European waterborne sector

The vision for carbon-neutral, zero-accidents, automated and competitive waterborne transport in Europe can be achieved only through the collaboration of the relevant stakeholders – classification societies, manufacturers, research institutes, shipyards, shipowners, universities, European institutions and Member States, among others. The EU-funded LASTING project aims at increasing the engagement of the broader waterborne transport sector in European research, development and innovation activities. The project will focus on the development of a communication strategy that encompasses a plug-and-play system for participation in European, national or regional strategic maritime and/or inland waterway transport events. The project also aims to implement a communication campaign that will last beyond the project’s completion.

Considering the diversity of the waterborne transport sector, its geographical scope, the international dimension and the challenges and opportunities upfront, LASTING will broaden engagement of the broader waterborne transport sector in European RD&I activities, by developing a communication strategy, and implementing a long-lasting communication campaign beyond the lifetime of this project, ultimately increasing, stakeholder engagement in the sector and thereby increasing impact of European waterborne transport RD&I. The communication strategy, and thereby the campaign will be based on clear KPI’s set at the starting point of LASTING, jointly developed with the relevant European Commission Services and the broader waterborne transport sector.

The achievement of the KPI’s will be measured at fixed intervals, to ensure that the final communication strategy and the campaign will be fit-for-purpose and ready for roll-out. An essential element of the communication strategy will be the development of a plug-and-play system for participation in European, national or regional strategic maritime and/or inland waterway transport events. In the framework of LASTING, the plug-and-play system will be tested at a number of occasions, to ensure the system is fit-for-purpose. In addition, high quality dissemination materials (such as flyers and banners) and templates will be delivered. There will be a main focus on the use of digital tools for dissemination purposes, to ensure that the communication efforts of the waterborne transport community will easily follow the concept launched in the framework of LASTING. Finally, yet importantly, the Waterborne TP will take over the communication strategy and campaign after the lifetime of LASTING and will ensure a durable implementation of the concepts and materials developed in the framework of the project.

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