Project name
Transport Research Arena 2022 Senior and Young researcher competitions
Project Objective
The concept of TRA VISIONS project is to organize two competitions for transport research awards to be announced at the TRA conference in 2022:
a young researcher competition with the goal of stimulating the interest among young researchers and students in the field of sustainable surface transport.
a competition for senior researchers in the field of innovative surface transport concepts based on results only from EU-funded projects.
Both competitions cover all surface transport modes (road, rail, waterborne, airborne and cross modality) in line with the EC policy objectives for smart, green and integrated transport. The S&T objectives are to nurture the best transport researchers in Europe, promote the alignment of their interests with those of transport stakeholders, encourage them to participate in the conference and celebrate their achievements. The process is two-way: students are inspired by the presentations at the main conference and mature researchers are inspired by the research and vision of the young.
The objectives of the TRA VISIONS 2022 project are:
- to make the TRA conference the premier series in its field in the world by stimulating the participation of university students as well as young and senior transport researchers in the TRA 2022 conference;
- to build a vibrant community of transport innovators and researchers in Europe thus fostering the interaction between specialists working in different modes;
- to promote an inter-disciplinary approach, linking basic science, socio-economics and applied sciences/engineering;
- to identify the top performing university students in all modes of surface transportation and the champions of transport research in the EU funded projects by means of a precise evaluation process and acknowledge their achievements;
- to disseminate knowledge and project findings with the final aim to develop innovative solutions for transport in Europe.
The expected strategic impact of TRA VISIONS 2022 includes:
- stimulate young researchers and students to submit their research work to the competition and attract them to transport related studies.
- Support the TRA conference, which is considered as the first Transport research conference in Europe, with a successful and high-quality scientific competition and with strong and high level media coverage.
- Encourage partners from EU-funded projects to further develop innovative ideas from their projects.
- Efficiently disseminate knowledge and results of European and National research projects in the area of Sustainable Surface Transport and thus improve the coordination of research, technology development and innovation and the deployment of innovative solutions in the Surface Transport sector in Europe.
More informations at: https://www.travisions.eu
Find more at: https://www.travisions.eu/