Project name
Coordination Action to maintain and further develop a Sustainable MAritime Research in Europe
Project Objective
Under CA ACMARE, the ETP WATERBORNE (WB) has completed its initial phase and has established itself as a key adviser to and a strategic partner of the Commission for the generation of consensus views relating to maritime research policy. After three years, the CA ACMARE has developed and published the WB Research Strategy in three key documents: the Vision 2020, the WB Strategic Research Agenda and the WB Implementation Route Map. The Coordination Action CASMARE aims to provide support to the maritime community so that the ETP WB can move forward to its next objective which is the implementation and delivery of the WB Research Strategy.
By using the successful consultation processes established within the ETP, CASMARE will continue to raise awareness of the WB Research Strategy and to broaden the consensus among the stakeholders, with a special emphasis on engagement with national programmes and industry activities. CASMARE will inform stakeholders to stimulate and mobilise the maritime research resources so that the WB Research Strategy will find wide acceptance and the outcomes will be realised. CASMARE will assess RDI results from EU and national programmes and monitor the progress against the WIRM. CASMARE will expand the platform’s horizons within and beyond maritime transport by linking with other transport ETPs, ERANets, and with any other relevant research grouping or initiative outside transport such as MANUFUTURE and the Marine Science World. WB’s critical enablers include the development of human capital, education and the protection of IPR, The advancement of education and training presents significant opportunities to improve the situation of the WB community. WB related lead markets will be analysed and recommendations will be made to the relevant deciders. The partners of the CASMARE consortium represent the key stakeholders of the WB community and have a long tradition of research cooperation and good track record of delivering.
Find more at: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/91194/factsheet/en