
NH3CRAFT Data requirements and Planning for desktop studies Workshop – 02 December 2022

By 7th December 2022 No Comments

The 1st «Data requirements and planning for desktop studies» Workshop of the NH3CRAFT project took place online, on 02 December 2022.

The aim of the Workshop was to:

  1. Understand the available volumes per ship type
  2. Discuss the potential locations of the systems according to regulatory, risk assessment, feasibility restrictions
  3. Identify common features between the desktop studies
  4. Identify specific regulations for sample ships, specifically for ferries
  5. Discuss the possible main risks
  6. Discuss and agree on the desktop cases that will be retrofitted, new built and in which case fuel cells will be considered

During the workshop, all partners provided a wealth of useful comments and advice which will be considered, as appropriate, in order to give more value to the results of NH3CRAFT.

WEGEMT participation was crucial for the dissemination purposes of the Project.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program under grant agreement no. 101056831.