
TRAVISIONS 2020 Shortlisting Workshop

The Shortlisting Workshop of the TRA VISIONS 2020 competition took place in Brussels, on 10th February 2020. A large judging panel of twenty two (22) experts gathered to evaluate the top young researchers’ projects and the top senior researchers for each mode of transport. The…
29th June 2020

BE OPEN: 2nd project meeting

WEGEMT participated in the second BE OPEN project meeting in Piraeus, Greece on 17-18 February 2020, which was hosted by CERTH-HIT. BEOPEN ( commenced its second phase and has already achieved the planned milestones and results. During the meeting, the key results and the next…
29th June 2020

WEGEMT shows the way to the new era of maritime careers

WEGEMT visited the Merchant Marine Academy of Kalymnos in Greece, on the 31st January 2020. Dr. Ioannis Ergas (Research Director at WEGEMT) passed a warm message of encouragement from WEGEMT's Chairman (Prof. Peilin Zhou) and Secretary General (Mr. George Smyrnakis) to the students of the…
29th June 2020

MarLEM Project kick-off meeting

The MarLEM (Maritime Logistics Engineering and Management) project kick-off meeting took place at the Naval School (Escola Naval) of Portugal, in Lisbon on 19 December 2019. The project partners gathered to kick start the activities that will run for 36 months. MarLEM’s main objectives are…
George Smyrnakis
5th February 2020

WEGEMT at the OMAE 2019 Conference

WEGEMT participated in the 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering (OMAE) in Glasgow UK  on 12 June 2019. The OMAE 2019 was hosted by the Department of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Marine Engineering at the University of Strathclyde which is one of…
21st August 2019

WEGEMT at the European Maritime Day 2019

WEGEMT visited the European Maritime Day 2019 in Lisbon, Portugal on 16 May 2019. The European Maritime Day (EMD) is the annual two-day event during which Europe’s maritime community meet to network, discuss and forge joint actions. WEGEMT had the opportunity to meet with policy…
20th August 2019

IMPRESSIVE Project officially started

11/12/2018 Athens Greece. The IMPRESSIVE Project Kick off meeting took place in Aratos Headquarters in Greece. All the project partners as well as the Commission representatives gathered together to kick start the IMPRESSIVE Project that will run for 30 months. The project focuses in developing…
5th January 2019

Two TRA VISIONS 2020 competitions launch in January 2019

TRA VISIONS 2020 invites Young and Senior researchers from all over Europe to submit innovative transport concepts the TRA VISIONS 2020 competitions which will be launched in January 2019. The European-funded competition TRA VISIONS 2020 has just started. Young and senior researchers throughout Europe are…
5th January 2019