
WEGEMT joins discussions with other major stakeholders from the European maritime transport sector on the working and living conditions of seafarers and the attractiveness of their profession.

WEGEMT was invited to participate in a Stakeholders’ Workshop, which took place in Brussels on 15 and 16 October 2019. The workshop was part of the final phase of the Study on Social Aspects within the Maritime Transport Sector conducted by Coffey, TIS, Oxford Research…
George Smyrnakis
31st October 2019

WEGEMT at the heart of the European shipping community

WEGEMT visited the headquarters of Maran Dry Management Inc. (MDM) on 01 October 2019. MDM is part of the Angelicoussis Shipping Group Limited ("ASGL") which currently employs a staff of approximately 300 shore-based professionals and over 4,000 officers and crew onboard one of the largest…
George Smyrnakis
31st October 2019

WEGEMT visited the Classification Society ABS

WEGEMT visited the Global Ship Systems Centre (GSSC) of the Classification society ABS in Greece on 03 July 2019. Top on the agenda of the meeting was the topic of new technologies, especially those that have a game-changing effect in the next years and for…
George Smyrnakis
26th August 2019

WEGEMT at the European Maritime Day 2019

WEGEMT visited the European Maritime Day 2019 in Lisbon, Portugal on 16 May 2019. The European Maritime Day (EMD) is the annual two-day event during which Europe’s maritime community meet to network, discuss and forge joint actions. WEGEMT had the opportunity to meet with policy…
20th August 2019

Two TRA VISIONS 2020 competitions launch in January 2019

TRA VISIONS 2020 invites Young and Senior researchers from all over Europe to submit innovative transport concepts the TRA VISIONS 2020 competitions which will be launched in January 2019. The European-funded competition TRA VISIONS 2020 has just started. Young and senior researchers throughout Europe are…
5th January 2019