

Framework: FP7

- Date: 2013 / 2014

Activity: C&M


Wegemt Budget: € 71.369,00

Total Budget: € 574.176,14

Project name

Transport Research Arena 2014 Senior and Young researcher competitions

Project Objective

The concept of this project was to organise two competitions for transport research awards thet were announced at the TRA conference in 2014:

– A research student competition with the goal of stimulating the interest among young researchers/students in the field of sustainable surface transport.
– A competition for senior researchers in the field of innovative surface transport concepts based on results only from EU-funded projects.

Both competitions covered all surface transport modes (road, rail and waterborne) including Infrastructures and cross-cutting issues in line with the EC policy objectives for smart, green and integrated transport.

The process will be two-way: young researchers will be inspired by the presentations at the main conference and mature researchers will be inspired by the research and vision of the young researchers.

Project Context and Objectives:
The objectives achieved by the TRA Visions project were:

– To achieve a strong participation of young transportation researchers in the TRA-2014 conference;
– To identify the top performing young researchers in all modes of surface transportation and acknowledge their achievement;
– To have strong participation from senior researchers in transportation in the TRA-2014conference
– To identify champions of transport research in EU funded projects
– To further develop the TRA conference as the premier series in its field in the world,
– To achieve good coordination with the TRA conference organisers in order to benefit from high level of media coverage.
– To build a vibrant community of young transport researchers in the European Union, EU candidate and potential candidate countries and the European Economic Area;
– To promote and acknowledge excellence in research at senior level
– To promote an inter-disciplinary approach, linking basic science, socio-economics and applied sciences/engineering;
– To stimulate the imagination of delegates at the TRA-2014 conference and provoke discussion on the future of surface transport;
– To promote interaction between young transport researchers and senior researchers working in different modes.

Project Results:
The S&T objectives achieved were to nurture the best transport researchers in Europe, promote the alignment of their interests with those of transport stakeholders, encourage them to participate in the conference and celebrate their achievements. Similarly the senior researcher competition promoted and acknowledged the leaders in generating impactful research in transport in the EU.

Potential Impact:
The final results of the project which are the effective organisation execution and dissemination of the two transport competitions had the following impact.

– The competitions and project final results stimulated young researchers/students to submit their research work to the competition.
– The competitions and project final results encouraged partners from EU-funded projects to further develop innovative ideas from their projects.
– The competitions and project final results directly supported the TRA conference as a successful, high quality scientific event with a high level of media coverage which is considered as the first Transport research conference in Europe.
– The competitions and project final results efficiently disseminated knowledge and results of European and National research projects in the area of Sustainable Surface Transport and thus improved the coordination of research, technology development and innovation in the Surface Transport sector in Europe.
– The competitions and project final results increased European competitive advantage

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