
DT4GS Press Release

DT4GS, the new European funded project to supercharge shipping industry’s drive towards zero emissions, has started!   Research will focus on applying digital twin technology to the entire lifecycle of ships, as the DT4GS project aims to cut CO2 emissions 20 per cent by 2026,…
George Smyrnakis
6th June 2022

Mari4_YARD: 1st Plenary Meeting (9 September 2021)

The 1st Plenary Meeting of the Mari4_YARD (User-centric solutions for a flexible and modular manufacturing in small and medium-sized shipyards) took place online, on 9th September 2021. All 18 partners from 8 European countries participated and discussed the progress of the project and the way…
10th September 2021

BE OPEN: Project completed

The BE OPEN project has now been completed and its final review meeting took place on 13 July 2021 with a satisfactory outcome ( BE OPEN did promote Open Science in transport research and also assisted in regulating and standardizing it. It has also succeeded…
23rd July 2021

WEGEMT at the European Research & Innovation Days 2021

WEGEMT participated in the online event "European Research & Innovation Days 2021" on 23-24 June 2021 , where interesting speakers talked about the future of European research and innovation, and the "Horizon Europe" EU-funded Programme. The plenary: "Towards a European Strategy for Universities: Bridging education,…
23rd June 2021

MATES – Training Seminar in June 2021

The MATES training seminar with title: “Additive Manufacturing and Risk Management in the Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Sectors” took place online on 10 & 11 June 2021. The event was organized by CERTH-HIT with the support of WEGEMT (Netherlands), CETMAR (Spain), COSNAV (Italy), INDIGO-Med (Greece) and…
12th June 2021