Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg
Institute of Ship Design and Ship Safety
Our main focus in research and education is the design and development of competitive ships and related tools and processes. This implies the introduction of scientific, first principle based methodologies into the design process.
Another important field of activity are safety related issues, such as performance based safety approaches.
Duration: 4
Requirements: Abitur (Bac)
N. Of Students Registered (on a yearly basis): 50
N. Of Students Graduating (on a yearly basis): 50
Diplomingenieur (WS)
Duration: 6
Requirements: Vordiplom
N. Of Students Registered (on a yearly basis): 25
N. Of Students Graduating (on a yearly basis): 44
More Informations
Professors fulltime: 2, , ,
ResearchersResearchers fulltime: 7, ,
Core Research AreasAerodynamics, Fluid Dynamics/Mechanics, High speed crafts, Hydrodynamics, Manoeuvring & Control, Marine Engineering, Military Vessels, Resistance & Propulsion, Seakeeping, Ship Design
Number Of Projects (Last 5 Years)Projects Completed: 5, Project Runnig: 6, Projects Forthcoming: 5