Dunarea de Jos University of Galati
Department of Naval Architecture
The Faculty of Naval Architecture (FAN), since its establishment in 1951, is the only Romanian Higher Education Institute offering academic and research services in the field of Naval Architecture.
The faculty has about 500 students annually, within two main specializations, Naval Architecture and Ship Systems and Machinery. The Department of Naval Architecture offer MSc and PhD programs in Naval Architecture and Advanced Shipbuilding Technology and it also features a Naval Architecture Research Centre (NARC).
Professors involved in “Advanced Ship Design” Erasmus Mundus project are currently offering classes and practical training for students in the ‘Naval Architecture’ program, as well as in research activities in the ship hydrodynamics scope.
FAN is a research contributor to numerical modelling and simulation in different ship hydrodynamic aspects such as ship resistance prediction, free surface flow, propulsion modelling, seakeeping, manoeuvring and structural analysis with application to ship and offshore structures. In addition, the faculty is in charge of various experimental facilities (towing tank, cavitation tunnel, wind tunnel) which are unique in the field of academic research in Romania. The faculty is involved in several Romanian and European collaborative research projects and has a significant cooperative activity with industrial partners.