
Mari4_YARD: 1st Plenary Meeting (9 September 2021)

The 1st Plenary Meeting of the Mari4_YARD (User-centric solutions for a flexible and modular manufacturing in small and medium-sized shipyards) took place online, on 9th September 2021. All 18 partners from 8 European countries participated and discussed the progress of the project and the way…
10th September 2021

BE OPEN TOPOS presentation at STAB&S 2021 – June 2021

WEGEMT, together with SCIPEDIA, presented a paper with title:"European forum and oBsErvatory for OPEN science in transport (BEOPEN): TOPOS Observatory for Individuals", at the First International Conference on the Stability and Safety of Ships and Ocean Vehicles online on 9 June 2021. The presentation attracted…
9th June 2021

PANACEA Project kick-off meeting

Seventeen (17) organizations from nine (9) European countries met online on 25 May 2021 to kick-off PANACEA (PracticAl and Effective tools to moNitor and Assess CommErciAl drivers’ fitness to drive), which is a project scheduled to last for 36 months. PANACEA aims to create a…
25th May 2021

ProdPhD 2nd Plenary Meeting – May 2021

WEGEMT participated in the 2nd Plenary meeting of ProdPhD project, which took place online on 24 May 2021. The progress of the active WPs was found to be satisfactory and appropriate planning was made in order to avoid delays during the summer period. WEGEMT also…
24th May 2021