
Università di Genova

Electrical, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering and Naval Architecture Department

The Electrical, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering and Naval Architecture Department (DITEN) is a division of the University of Genoa with the objectives, aims, rights and duties of a public entity. DITEN carries out educational activities as well as scientific activities, by promoting and supporting research work conducted by our teaching staff. Multidisciplinarity is key to all activities of our Department, through the promotion of cross-disciplinary research topics and projects.

Our Department fosters actions to ensure motivating and satisfactory working conditions, for students as well as for our teaching, technical, and administrative staff. Our objective is to develop a common identity aimed at pursuing clear, shared and transparent goals that have been properly defined to meet individual skills, functions, and responsibilities. Our Department further promotes actions to collect and meet the  needs of all stakeholders (e.g. national and international students, public institutions, and businesses), who are using the education, research and technology transfer services provided by our Department.

Via Opera Pia 11a, 16145, Genova, Italy
+39 010 353 2733


Degree Title

First level graduation in “Naval Architecture and Marine Engneering”


The course is aimed to supply the students with a proper knowledge of general scientific subjects and methodologies together with specific professional methods, within the naval engineering field.


Duration: 6

Requirements: High school diploma

N. Of Students Registered (on a yearly basis): 110

N. Of Students Graduating (on a yearly basis): 120


Postgraduate Degree Title

Second level graduation in “Naval Archtecture and Marine Engineering”


The aim of the post graduate level of this course is to focus on the scientific-theoretical aspect of engineering relevant to naval architecture and ship related topics


Duration: 4

Requirements: First level degree in “Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering”

N. Of Students Registered (on a yearly basis): 60

N. Of Students Graduating (on a yearly basis): 90

More Informations

Accademic staff

Professors fulltime: 3, Associate Professors fulltime: 10 , Part time Professors: 3, Part time Associate professors: 4


Researchers fulltime: 4, Associate Professors fulltime: 10, Part time Researchers: 2

Core Research Areas

Aerodynamics, Economics & Logistics, Materials, Offshore Engineering, Ship Safety

Number Of Projects (Last 5 Years)

Projects Completed: 18, Project Runnig: 8, Projects Forthcoming: 2

Approximate Total Research Project Budget (Last 5 Years)

Projects Completed: 13000000, Project Runnig: 1.2E+6 , Projects Forthcoming: 2567900

Number Of Researchers Occupied (Last 5 Years)

Projects Completed: 4, Project Runnig: 6 , Projects Forthcoming: 21

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