Project name
CREST Project
Project Objective
The CREST project is proposed by WEGEMT: A European Association of 37 universities in 19 countries with expertise in a broad range of marine matters. The events are developed in conjunction with universities, who take an active role in ensuring the quality of the events in terms of their delivery and content. WEGEMT’s Secretariat provides the coordinating function so that local hosts can concentrate on the task of delivering a technically sound event.
The Secretariat also acts on behalf of the WEGEMT Executive Committee that takes ultimate responsibility for the delivery of these events. WEGEMT has been involved in discussion of major strategic issues affecting R&D and training in Europe for marine Industries. Its aim is to update and extend knowledge and its mission stresses the need to deliver collaborative solutions. The events described in this application are ideal vehicle to achieve this mission.
Find more at: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/77923/en