• George Panagakos

  • Personal profile

  • George Panagakos (1958) is a Greek transport specialist with expertise in policy issues related to shipping and logistics. His formal training includes naval architecture and marine engineering (NTUA, 1983), ocean systems management (MIT, 1985), economics (Virginia Tech, 1989) and environmental impacts of freight transport (DTU, 2016).

  • Research Interests

  • He has extensive consulting experience in transport and private sector development, with emphasis on project appraisal and evaluation. His professional activities have brought him in contact with a variety of socio-economic contexts ranging from the World Bank and the European Commission to developing countries in central Asia, Africa and the Middle East. As a consultant, he has participated and managed a large number of projects in Greece and abroad.
    In parallel, during the last 20 years he has participated as external researcher in numerous projects, mainly funded by the European Commission, in the area of maritime transport efficiency and safety. During the last 7 years, his primary research subject has been the environmental performance of transport operations and more specifically the green corridors of freight logistics.